11th English HM

Poem 2: The Laburnum Top(Best online Ncert Solutions)


Poem 2 The Laburnum Top
Poem 2 The Laburnum Top

The Laburnum Top: Unveiling the Beauty of Nature


Nature has a way of our senses and makes us reflect on the intricacies of life. In the poem “The Laburnum Top,” we delve into the enchanting world of a Laburnum tree and a golden finch bird. Let’s explore the deep connections and contrasting emotions that unfold in this stunning portrayal of nature.

The Laburnum Top Summary in English

The poet begins by painting a picture of the Laburnum tree adorned with yellow leaves, standing still and silent in September. The autumn season has stripped the tree of its foliage, leaving only seeds scattered on the ground. The color yellow symbolizes silence, death, and beauty, setting the tone for the rest of the poem.

As a goldfinch bird lands on the tree, its presence brings life and vitality to the otherwise serene setting. The quick movements of the bird are compared to that of a lizard, adding a dynamic element to the scene. The tree comes alive with chirping nestlings and trembling branches, showcasing the contrast between stillness and vibrancy.

The poet highlights the nurturing relationship between the golden finch bird and the Laburnum tree. The bird’s yellow body blends with the leaves, emphasizing the harmony between nature and its inhabitants. As the bird flies away, the tree once again falls into silence, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and death.

Conclusion of The Laburnum Top

In conclusion, “The Laburnum Top” reveals the intricate dynamics between nature and its creatures. The tree and the bird play essential roles in each other’s lives, symbolizing the beauty of symbiotic relationships in the natural world. Through this poem, we are reminded of the interconnectedness and balance that exist in the midst of life’s fleeting moments.

Let’s cherish the beauty of nature and the profound connections it fosters.


The Laburnum Top Think it out

Question 1.
What do you notice about the beginning and the ending of the poem?
The poem begins with absolute silence on the laburnum tree top. The poem ends with the tree sinking into silence again. In between, the tree comes to life with the> arrival of the goldfinch and the noise made by the young birds.

Question 2.

To what is the bird’s movement compared? What is the basis for the comparison?
The bird’s movement is compared to the swift movement of a lizard. The basis for the comparison is their sleekness, smooth, and glossy look.

Question 3.
Why is the image of the engine evoked by the poet?
The poet likens the sudden bustle of the young ones to the noise made by a steam engine when it is started up. The bird stokes the fire of the furnace and makes her young ones chirp together.

Question 4.
What do you like most about the poem?
The poem is simple, the action is commonplace. What I like most about the poem is its description and its imagery. The poet builds up a lovely scene using very few words

Question 5.
What does the phrase ‘her barred face identity mask’ mean?
The little goldfinch is a singing bird. It has colored stripes across its face. The bars look like a mask or covering for the face. But they help to identify or recognize the birds.

Note Down

(i) the sound words
(ii) the movement words
(iii) the dominant color in the poem.
Answers :
(i) Chirrup, chitterings, tremor of wings, trillings, whistle-chirrup, whispering
(ii) comes, enters, starts up, flirts out.
(iii) yellow

List the following

1. words which are sleek, alert, and abrupt.
2. words with the sound ch, as in chart, and tr, as in trembles in the poem.
3. other sounds that occur frequently in the poem
1. Sleek
2. goldfinch, branch, chatterings, Launches, trembles, trillings, tree.

The Laburnum Top Extra Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Sum up in about 80 words the scene depicted in the poem ‘Laburnum Top.’
The Laburnum tree stands in a desolate place. It is all quiet and still. There is no movement or noise on its top where a goldfinch bird has built its nest. The young ones wait anxiously for their mother’s arrival. The bird comes to feed her family. All the young ones start up their noise like an engine. Such din and excitement, however, cast only for a while. As the bird flies away, silence returns to the tree top, and all is still.

Question 2.
What gives a unique character to the Laburnum tree top?
The Laburnum tree top is all quiet and alone in the forest. But it suddenly comes to life with the arrival of a goldfinch. It starts up as some engine. This noise lasts for a short time only. As the mother bird flies away, the tree relapses into silence again.

Question 3.
What happens to the Laburnum tree in September?
September is an autumn month. In this season the trees shed all their leaves to get new ones. The Laburnum’s leaves also turn pale and the seeds fall to the ground.

Question 4.
What makes the whole tree tremble and thrill?
The whole tree is, as it were, shaken by the loud chirruping of the little birds. They are greatly excited to see and hear the whistling sound of the mother goldfish.

Question 5.
Why does the poet call the whispering of the bird ‘eerie’?
The soft two noises made by the goldfinch are loud enough to disturb the silence around the tree suddenly. It is so sudden and unexpected that it startles. It sounds unnatural or strange.

Question 6.
How does the poem begin and end?
The poem’s opening line is ‘The Laburnum Top is silent, quite still. Its closing line is ‘And the Laburnum subsides to empty’. The tree was all quiet before the goldfinch arrived. The same silence returned to the tree after the bird flew away.


The Laburnum Top , eStudyzone